Hour of Code

Every year, students from across the globe engage in coding challenges together. Hour of Code's website makes it simple for any educator to support their students in a fun and exciting coding challenge! Lesson plans and supports are included, so take a look and choose a few! While the "official "Hour of Code" is Dec 5 - 11, 2022, these activities and resources are available year-round.

How to Run an Hour of Code

The Hour of Code website contains everything you need to know about running your own Hour of Code. Start here on ther how-to page: How-To's

Hour of Code Activities

Choose from hundreds of high-interest coding activities - "Dance Party" is hugely popular with well-known musical artists like Beyonce, Harry Styles, Lizzo, and more! On this page, you can filter by age group, topic (yes, other classes besides STEM specials can code!), activity type and more! Learn to Code